Le Grand Livre de la Maison Miniature ─ 3e édition ─ Juillet 2013

Je vous l'annonçais, il y a quelques semaines, et je l'ai reçue…
La 3e édition (parue en juillet 2013) de mon livre Le Grand Livre de la Maison Miniature (Éd. Fleurus) est à présent disponible.
Elle a la particularité d'être imprimée de manière plus écologique et elle porte le label  , ce qui n'est pas pour me déplaire, bien au contraire.


I announced it a few weeks ago, and I received …
The third edition (printed in July 2013) of my book
Le Grand Livre de la Maison Miniature (Ed. Fleurus) is now available.

It has the distinction of being printed in a more environmentally friendly way and it bears the label , which is not displeasing to me, quite the contrary.

♥ Encore un grand merci à toutes les personnes qui m'ont fait confiance et qui aiment mon livre.

A big thank you everyone who trusted me and love my book.

♥ Léa


Atelier de Léa
Hello Belinda, thank you so much for your message.
I hope you had a pleasant stay in Paris, and I'm glad you could see my shop and get my book.
Indeed, I am very busy in my workshop at the production, as I work my miniatures by hand and I all make alone, for these reasons I can not have a lot of stock. Everything I create is mainly intended for sale online.

It would be a pleasure to meet you in Paris exhibitions, places where you're sure to see me in person. :)
However, I would love to travel, but I think that's for later, because my current projects do not allow me to leave my workshop, for now and for many more months.
Kind regards
Jeudi 26 Septembre 2013 à 02:19

Belinda (Visiteur)
I was very pleased to visit your shop in Montmartre last week and purchase a copy of your book.
I was sorry that you were not there and also that there were no items of your own for sale in the shop.
I look forward to seeing you at another time and hope that you will visit South Africa soon.
Kind regards
Cape Town
Mercredi 25 Septembre 2013 à 15:09


  1. Un seul conseil: ACHETEZ LE, il est super!
    PS:ma cheminée de salon parait demain sur mon blog,tu pourra la voir!

  2. Merci, Joëlle, c'est vraiment très gentil ! ♥

    Je ne vais pas manquer de voir ta cheminée, ça c'est sûr :D. Bisous

  3. Congratulations on the third edition! It is my favorite miniature book. I will buy another one when the publishers realize the have an untapped market in the English speaking world. :-)

  4. Héhé, dear Catherine, wait and see … I hope! ♥
    Many thanks!

  5. Felicidades! Yo tengo un ejemplar y tengo que decirte que es un libro precioso....me encanta. Besos


  6. Thank you, Lea'. I have been carefully safeguarding my friend Janine's copy while she was away from home and soon I shall have to return it. I want and need my own book. Now I shall get the Improved version and, of course, Janine can then borrow mine! :D


    1. This is a very nice story. Elisabeth. I can imagine you in a very caring attention with my (uh, Janine's one, lol) book and so sad to let it leave now, after giving so much love to it…

      I know your's will be very very « chouchouté » (Google says "pampered" for « « chouchouté », I hope it is not far-fetched for you. Sorry if it is, but I use very often this word to speak of my cats when I do some preference for one or the other, depending on the day and what they need … ^^ :D May be you'll better understand what I mean). ;)

  7. Ce livre sera l'ouvrage de référence de cette discipline, incontestablement. La bible des miniaturistes !
    Succès amplement mérité...

  8. Félicitations!
    Je suis une heureuse propriétaire d'un exemplaire du Grand Livre. Pour moi c'est comme une bible��

    1. Merci beaucoup, je suis contente qu'il ait quand même passé les barrières du langage, car bien qu'écrit en français il a fait le tour du Monde.
      C'est toujours très émouvant pour moi d'y penser. :)

  9. Salut Léa,

    Ce livre, c'est un magnifique cadeau à s'offrir ou à se faire offrir..


    1. Merci, Gis, je me souviens que tu as la toute première édition, et parmi les première à l'avoir. :D Bises, à bientôt.

  10. Congratulations on the third edition, Léa, how wonderful :D! I guess a lot of people will love it in English!!
    I have bought the French edition a few years ago and it is so beautiful, thank you for writing the book for us!

    1. It was a real pleasure for me to do this book, with the people who surrounded me especially because my editor was very motivating and the photographer makes great pictures, so it was a great adventure and if it is felt in the result, that's all I wanted.
      Ilona thank you for your nice coments every time you spend on the blog.

  11. I am glad more people are discovering your amazing book, I just love mine and try to recall my six years study of French at school to read it (so long ago now)! Congratulations.

    1. Oh, Margaret, I would like to speak French with you. :D
      Many thanks, and see you soon. :)

  12. I love your book. French is not my strong point, but the pictures speaks for themselves. It is pure meditation, to sit and look at all your beautiful photos. I hope, that one day it will be published in English.

    1. Dear Wyrna, I am touched by your words.
      If my book brings you calm and serenity, it reached one of my goals and that makes me very happy. I hope to see an English version also. Hugs; :)

  13. Votre livre est magnifique, je l'ai déjà parcouru des dizaines de fois et sera très précieux pour l'aménagement de ma maison de poupée, amitiés. Lili

    1. Merci, Lili, la façade de votre maison est déjà très jolie, et vous allez passer de bons moments à aménager l'intérieur. C'est un très beau projet qui a de quoi vous motiver. À bientôt. :)

  14. Bravo Léa ! Ce livre est merveilleux. J'ai passé tant de temps à le feuilleter... Il ne quitte pas ma table de chevet. :)

  15. I too am like Catherine, I would most certainly buy another when/if it was to be reprinted in English....put me at the top of your list!!
    Linda x

  16. An English version would be a real "collector". :D I really hope so.
    Many thanks, Linda, have a nice afternoon.

  17. Congratulations with this new edition. Like many others have said, I would love to own an English version but until then I enjoy looking at the beautiful pictures in your book. It is one of my favourite miniature books, thank you.

  18. It is like Wyrna says, a meditation when flipping through your book. Like being slowly lifted on a dream....
    I'm lucky to have been raised in a French speaking country but really, the images are very clear and need no explanations. Maybe we should all put our heads together and come up with a collective translation :-)

    1. Merci, Veronique, vous comprenez le français, alors.
      Great ! :D

  19. Dear Lea, many many hugs and congratulation for your books third edition. Your book is really very beautiful. I admired all photoes and I have found a lot of ideas. Once my friend looked at your book and she said " very beautiful home". I tell her that its not a home it is dollhouse. She cannot believe it!
    With best regards Kati

  20. Dear Katrina, thank you to relate the reaction of your friend. :)

    It reminds me of a father and his daughter who stopped in front of the window of the shop where the house was exposed, there was also the book front.
    And as we see the entrance of the house on the cover, Dad told her daughter showing her staircase, the ground, door ...:
    "You see, the little house in the window reproduces a real home that is shown in the book ...

    When I heard it, as I was inside, not far from the door, I thought, oh no, he did not let the girl think about it, besides the fact that dad was wrong I could not let her think at this story in that sense.
    So I opened the door and I said:
    ─ Uh, no, into the book is the same little house that is into the window, the pictures in the book are those of the small house. I have made the small house and then it was pictured for the book."

    I can tell you that the little girl looked at me with extraordinary eyes and her dad was surprised to have reversed the order of scales ... :D It was both tender and funny scene.

  21. Félicitations pour le réédition et pour le geste écologique !
    Ce livre, j'aime le feuilleter et le redécouvrir.
    Au fil du temps (première édition) le plaisir reste le même !
    Bisous. joce

  22. Encore merci, Joce. Ça me fait plaisir. :)


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♥ Merci pour votre visite et pour avoir pris le temps de laisser vos impressions. À très bientôt. Léa

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